Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to my Mom and my Grandma. This time of year is great that we get to honor all our mother's.

This is also a time that I think about my Grandma Matson. It will be 12 years this August that she left us, but I still miss her so much. She was such a strong woman and a great grandma. I used to sit at her counter while she was canning some kind of fruit or vegetable from their garden and just talk to her about everything. Since my mom had to work it was nice to be able to walk across the street after school or every day in the summer and see her. I used to think it was weird that most kids didn't know their grandma as much as I did. She would tell me stories all the time about her sisters and brother and her life growing up in Payson. I knew that Aunt Lauralee was a great speller and would drive all of them nuts trying to memorize her spelling words each week. Having her tell me all these stories is probably why I know so much about her family. This time is also such a great reminder of her because of the Susan G Komen Race for the Cure. This is the first year in the last five that I have not volunteered for the race. I was always happy for the survivors that attended the race and enjoyed helping with the event. But it was always difficult for me to listen to them, because she didn't survive and her battle was so short. It was less than a year from the time she was diagnosed and the time she passed away.

I hope that all of my friends have a wonderful day and realize that there is nothing greater in this life than being a mom and I love that so many of my friends are and that they allow me to be part of their lives and see the blessing as well as the trials of being a mom.