Monday, February 2, 2009


Last week I went to Chicago to hang out with the Lunds and to see Isaac's favorite band, Metallica!! It had been over a year since I had seen the kids and it was so fun hanging out with them. Instead of shipping Christmas to them in December I decided to take it with me instead. I am so glad I did since I was able to see Grant put together his Star Wars Lego set. He was so proud that he was able to put it together by himself. Like and idiot though, I didn't take any pictures of it.

On Monday, as we were getting ready to walk out the door I reached into my backpack to get my earrings and I sliced my finger on my razor. I had put it in there to keep it away from Evy since she wanted to hold everything in my makeup bag. Of course I forgot about it and cut myself. I put a bandage on it and we were off. Little did I realize that this one bandage was not going to be enough. By the time we reached Chipotle's for dinner it was starting to leak through. We headed over to Target next door and bought additional bandages. This still was not enough. Within 10 minutes it had completed soaked through and was dripping down my hand. Khania and I immediately headed over to the first aid room while Isaac stood in line for his t-shirt. The paramedics asked me all kinds of questions about how I hurt myself. Each time I told the story I felt like a bigger idiot. After they bandaged me up they said I would need to keep my hand elevated for the rest of the night. Let me just say, after 3 hours of holding my arm up I was sore!!

About an hour later the show finally started. This was one of the best shows I have ever attended. While I enjoy Metallica, I never thought of myself as a fan. After this show I now consider myself a fan. I bought their album when it came out and enjoyed it, especially the song being played on the radio. When I saw the songs live and the energy these men put into it, songs I merely enjoyed became ones I loved. I would definitely go see them again!!

These pictures are courtesy of Khania on my camera (I couldn't push the button with my finger). Camera's were not allowed, but since I was bleeding everywhere they really didn't search me and I got it in.

Give Me Some SUGAR!!

I had the opportunity to go to New Orleans, in December to attend the Sugar Bowl. I had never been to New Orleans before and when Tracy mentioned she had two extra tickets to the game, I jumped at the chance to go.

Yummy Beignet Restaurant

Cool palm tree at the city park

This is the cemetery where Anne Rice's vampire books took place and many movies have been filmed here

How I always imagined the streets would be like.

I arrived late on the 30th and spent the next three days exploring the city and the surrounding areas with Tracy and Norm. It was crazy to walk around the city and see a sea of red. With the Utes Crimson red and Bama's red, everywhere you went there was red. During the days leading up to the game, Bama fans were talking a lot of smack about how their team was going to roll over Utah. Every time a Bama fan walked by another fan they would say "Roll Tide, Roll". It got really old. We also noticed a lot of shirts that said "Got Nick?", it took us a minute to realize they were talking about the coach. On the way to our hotel before the game there were several Bama fans that were going the other way that were so obnoxious. They kept saying Utah had a good run and it was going to end tonight.

At the game it was totally crazy. Utah made up about 25-30% of the crowd while the remainder was Alabama. From the very beginning it was obvious that the Utes were underdogs, from the size of the audience to the size of the marching band it was no secret Alabama was going to win. That is until the first quarter began. By the end of the quarter Bama fans were completely deflated. The Utah section was going crazy and the rest of the dome were sitting in disbelief. Alabama completely underestimated Coach Whittingham and his team. They did an awesome job and made the expense of traveling so far well worth it.

King Louie

Need I say more?

Confetti galore!